TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – CNN had just released a long list of best street food in Asia. According to them there were 50 delectable street food delights in Asia that you need to taste whenever you visit the country. And one of the is Getuk of Indonesia.
Getuk is typical Central and East Java traditional food which was made out of ground steamed cassava. You could easily find this food in a hawker or street food vendors, or even in bakery.
The savory taste of the cassava combined with shredded coconut make this food such a perfect companion during your tea time. But some local community will prefer it served in the morning during their breakfast or in late afternoon with a glass of black coffee.
Generally you will find getuk in any different shape and color. But, though its differ in any place the name will stay the same. however, there are certain variant of getuk you might need to check such as the original getuk and getuk lindri.
To make the original getuk you will need to steam the cassava and mashed it the way you mashed your potato while it's hot. Some people prefer to have it plain and some will prefer to add palm sugar syrup before it being served with tasty savoury and sweet shredded coconut.
Meanwhile for getuk lindri, you will need a further process after the cassava being mashed. You will need to add some sugar, condensed milk and food colouring and certain mould to create a nice skewer like getuk and folded it like those you see on the street.
However, each of them will give you the same taste and texture, it's just the feeling of legitimate memories of which one is which you ever had during your childhood. "It's impossible to walk by this eye-catching, brightly-hued dessert without stopping for a sample," CNN wrote.
Beside Getuk, there are several other indonesian dishes listed by this global media. Gado-gado, kerak telor, and rujak were also listed by this media as of of top 50 best street foods in Asia. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sofyan Saqi Futaki |