
Ichal Supriadi of ADN: Press Freedom is One Crucial Thing for Democracy

Senin, 19 September 2022 - 18:04 | 21.42k
The Secretary General of ADN Ichal Supriadi. (Photo: Doc. Ichal Supriadi)
The Secretary General of ADN Ichal Supriadi. (Photo: Doc. Ichal Supriadi)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The International Democracy Day had just been celebrated few days ago in September 15. For this occasion, the United Nations (UN) brought up the importance of protecting press freedom for democracy as well as peace and delivering on the Sustainable Development  Goals.  

Press has such an important role in assuring the accountability of democratic boards. "Asia Democracy Network (AND) as one biggest democracy organization in Asia think that we need some envvironment that protects press freedom or the journalist to ensure the government accountability," The Secretary General of ADN Ichal Supriadi said on Friday (16/9/2022).

In addition, he also said that it can't be denied that the people and public freedom were also needed to be protected. The pandemic has given such a huge challenge towards modern democracy. It even draw it backwards and make some government limits some news that should have been given to the society.

Thus then make the government crossed with the media just because the press willing to show the truth to the public. Yet they have to bear their willing and keep silent to respect the government decisions. But not anymore since the pandemic ended.

As of for this International Day of Democracy 2022, AND appeals the government to stay in line and respect press freedom. Journalist should have not be seen as a threat but a partner in giving a transparent information to the public.

For this case, ADN  underlined that press and media hold an crucial role to ensure that democracy run on its line. Press was used as a device to monitor the public in having a real news of democratic government and a free information.

ADN also appealed the Asian government to assure the freedom of expression and enlarge the space to move for everyone. In this case, ADN supports the development of active strategy to fight some hoax or fake news which has been peeping all along for the sake of democracy and human rights

"Misinformation and disinformation should have been mended and it should start from education sector. Teaching the locals should have been prioritized and it should have involved concerning party including local community and press," Supriadi said.

For this, ADN also stated their gratitude towards press, local community, and everyone who have supported democracy for given their time and best effort to keep a strong accountability during this hard time.

ADN also hope that the government will protect people critics and opinion instead of using Electronic Information and Transaction Law (UU ITE). To them forcing the law to the public it' better for the government to educate the local community on how to state their opinion with manner.

"This will not make the official use the law for their own benefit. Indonesia needs to take care of this condition immediately to create a nice press freedom ambience and a positive civil," he added.

For your information, the International Day of Democracy was declared by Un in 2007. A year goes by and the first celebration was hold in every corner of the world. they have celebrated it in such different way such as distinctive way such as photo competition, local tour, debate contest, talk show and more.

And as for the International Day of Democracy this year, UN would like to take us to review the press freedom and their role towards the democracy around the world. last but not least democracy would not be able to survive with press freedom and freedom of expression. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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