
5 UMBY Students Delivered Their Research at ASES Turkey

Jumat, 25 November 2022 - 12:03 | 33.49k
Five FKIP UMBY Students took part in an International seminar which was held online at Canakkale, Turkey. (PHOTO: AJP TIMES Indonesia)
Five FKIP UMBY Students took part in an International seminar which was held online at Canakkale, Turkey. (PHOTO: AJP TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTA – Five FKIP UMBY (University of Mercu Buaya Yogyakarta) students have succeeded in becoming a key speaker at a seminar in Canakkale, Turkey. Their participation in this event aims to practice their speaking and communication skills or public speaking in public.

This is very necessary because in the future the profile of FKIP UMBY graduates will become educators. So, as a prospective educator, of course, you must have the ability to speak.


The seminar entitled ASES: International Conference on Social Science. It was held online from 14 to 16 October 2022. 

The 5 FKIP UMBY students were M Rafi Fajar Rizky, Zumrotul Istifadah, Diah Ayu Lestari, Khoirunnisa Wijayanti, and Fauzia Rahma Amalia. They are students of the Field Introduction Program (PPL) at SMA Negeri 1 Pengasih from the Mathematics Education Study Program and the English Language Education Study Program.

On that occasion, the material presented was the result of mini-research when carrying out PPL, related to the analysis of students' responses to the use of technology in learning. Such as using Padlet, Quizizz and Liveworksheet. The paper results that have been presented are recorded in an Abstract Book with ISBN.

Zumrotul Istifadah, a speaker from the UMBY Mathematics Education Study Program feels proud to be one of the speakers at this international seminar alongside other researchers from around the world, including Turkey, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh, Romania, Georgia, and China.

“This is a new experience for me, especially when I have to present mini-research results in English,” said Zumrotul to TIMES Indonesia, Thursday (17/11/2022).

The supervisor of the five students, Nafida Hetty Marhaeni M.Pd, said she was proud of the achievements of her students who were able to cooperate, participate and try to produce additional output from this year's PPL implementation.

"I am very proud of those who have been able to produce additional externalities from the implementation of PPL," she said.

Head of Field Introduction Program Unit (UPPL) FKIP UMBY, Agustinus Hary Setyawan MA appreciated the additional output activities from implementing PPL. In addition to books, especially still involving tutors where PPLs are in writing their papers. 

There is an additional output and an increase in public speaking skills that need to be continuously cultivated, so that the implementation of PPL FKIP UMBY is different from the others. 

"It means, besides students learning to teach, educate, and school activities, they also learn to write articles and mini-research. So that they become students who are more productive, creative, dare to try, argue scientifically, and objectively. Including honing public speaking skills," said the Head of UPPL FKIP UMBY, Agustinus Hary Setyawan responding to his students who were speakers at an International seminar in Canakkale Turkey. 

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani