
Pidakan Beach of Pacitan is on the Rise

Senin, 09 Januari 2023 - 05:08 | 83.64k
A true combinataion of local beauty, the girl and the Pidakan Beach view. (Photo: Yusuf Arifai/TIMES Indonesia)
A true combinataion of local beauty, the girl and the Pidakan Beach view. (Photo: Yusuf Arifai/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Pacitan, a small city laid in the southern part of East Java need to be put on your itinerary list on your next holiday. Especially the Pidakan Beach or Pantai Pidakan which lays as one of the iconic tourist destination in the area.

This stunning location was officially opened for public in 2014. As for now, it was managed by the local village-owned enterprises (or well know as BUMDes. Their principal in managing this location was from the locals to the locals. 


It was because all the work and money used to renovate Pidakan Beach was gained from the locals' donation. They also work together to turn the area into one beautiful place to visit during holiday. 

During the pandemic, the area has been temporary closed and had a major renovation here and there. The local BUMDes works on the public facilities such as restroom and parking lot. 

They also working on the sanitary and cleanliness of the area. Together with the locals they did beach cleaning which resulting in an immaculate look of the place till now. 

The Story Behind the Name of the Beach

Pidakan literally means as a place to step. It came from Javanese language pidak or to step. The name came from array of cobble stones in the area which was used by the local community as reflexology path. 


The locals loves to visit this area early in the morning before they start their activities or late afternoon after work just to do the therapy. And that's where the name of the area was taken.

The visitors of Pidakan who came to this area also follow the locals behavior by using the stones as their place to do reflexology using the cobble stones. But some will just came to enjoy the beauty.

The Exotic View this Place Has to Offer

Beside the number of cobble stones for reflexology this place has also offers an enchanting view of the big ol' blue far ahead. The beach was not to wide yet so long. The crystal clear water look at its finest, and the local community hospitality will top it al off. 


Beside these natural beauty, you could also spend a night at this place by pitching your tent around the destined area. Some hall and mini amphitheater was built for those who need some more entertainment or some space for meeting. 

You could also find an old lighthouse and climb it and feel the traditionally way of ocean life through it. To get in to Pidakan Beach of Pacitan, you will need to pay for IDR 10 K for the ticket. So, will you put this place on your next holiday destination list? (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan