English 1 Abad NU

This Blind Girl's Voice Hypnotize All the Participants of 1 Abad NU

Rabu, 08 Februari 2023 - 15:54 | 38.36k
Yasmin Najma Falihah chanting shalawat during 1 Abad NU. (Photo: Screenshot)
Yasmin Najma Falihah chanting shalawat during 1 Abad NU. (Photo: Screenshot)

1 Abad NU

TIMESINDONESIA, SIDOARJO – During 1 Abad NU celebration, not only the scholars who gathers on the stage, but also a performance of popular orchestra group following the beautiful voice f a blind girl names Yasmin Najma Falihah. This girl manage to hypnotize all the participant during the occasion.

Her beautiful face match to her voice, may be that's the right words to say about Yasmin. The girl who blind when she was 2 years old manage to show her talent in singing during the occasion. 

With the help of Twilite Orchestra of Adi Ms group, this girl chanting the sholawat she knew in front of millions of people. This including the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo which happened to be able to come during the event. 

Yasmin and Her Voice

This 7 year old girl now study at Daarul Falah Islamic Dormitory School, Glenmore, Banyuwangi. This means that chanting sholawat has become a common thing to do for her daily activities. 

This girl said that he practice to sing time to time for this event. "I'm happy to be able to perform on this event. Directly in front of the president and Kiai," Yasmin said.

She had gone through a rigorous audition to be able to perform on this 1 Abad NU stage. There are few steps to follow before she managed to stand on the stage. And once she was announced as the winner, she was so excited and keep practicing each time.

Yasmin was one of 4 singers that was named to perform the stage. Before them, there was around 634 contestants joining this audition. Beside this girls and the orchestra there was still some other drama from Deny Malik about Banser, NU army.

Yasmin performance also stole the Mayor of Banyuwangi, Ipuk Festiani's  attention. In her opinion this was a good role model for another youth that they could rise up in a good way. 

Beside the President, 1 Abad NU celebration was followed by official governments, Islamic religious leaders, and some scholars and the millions of member of Nahdlatul Ulama in particular. 

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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