
Tutug Oncom, One Humble Dish of Majalengka

Minggu, 26 Februari 2023 - 05:24 | 79.54k
The nice look of Tutug Oncom. (Photo: Hendri Firmansyah/TIMES Indonesia)
The nice look of Tutug Oncom. (Photo: Hendri Firmansyah/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MAJALENGKA – The nice savory taste of Tutug Oncom has made this dish become one favorite for the local community of Majalengka. This dish has captivate the local community's heart and might capture yours. 

There are loads of restaurant in the city which offer this kind of dish. From street vendors to small restaurants to the big one, you could find it easily in Majalengka. It was because the food was the local indigenous food of Sunda which is the name of the territory back then.

It's a mere of rice which was was mixed with the local shredded oncom or fermented tempeh with certain ingredients. There will be some condiments accompanied this dishes such as sautéed glass noodle, fried anchovy, fritter, slice of cucumber, and srhimp paste sambal.

Some restaurant will served their tutug oncom with different condiments. Some will have chicken, egg, or beef to go with, depends on the customers need. The price were also quite affordable, it will surely bang your bucks. 

Tutug Oncom Mang Oni of Majalengka

Located at Jalan Pemuda, Majalengka Kulon of Majalengka, West Java, this street food vendor has been well known to serve a nice savory taste of the dish with simple condiments. This vendor has never been quite from the customers since the first it's opened till it close. 


From day to day, there are people lining up to get the taste of the food. They were coming for the taste as well the approachable cost. It will only cost you for IDR 6 K/pax. 

The vendor which has been established since 2015 also served several other fritter to get. "The fritter was around IDR 2 K per 3 pieces. But since the cost of groceries pile up we also increase the price of the fritter but with bigger size and quality," Mang Oni, the owner of the vendor said.

5 Stars Rating of Tutug Oncom

With the undebatable taste and lower price this place has had regular customers that come for their food. Most of them will have the food after they went from their office. This because the vendors opens in daylight only and closed before the sunset. 


"It was coincidence. I came to this vendor for craving for some food after a hard day at work. It happened to be situated on the same way to  my home. And once I had it once, I willing to have more, and now at least I came here once a week," Andri Irawan, a regular customer said.

The taste of Tutug Oncom of Mang Oni Majalengka has stole a place in the hearts of local community. No wonder that this place has always been crowded with customers. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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