
Banyuwangi Wine Coffee, When the Coffee Meets Wine

Kamis, 09 Maret 2023 - 03:22 | 73.91k
The drying process of coffee cherry after being washed, the harvest of Gombengsari Plantation
The drying process of coffee cherry after being washed, the harvest of Gombengsari Plantation

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGI – It is true that the higher quality of coffee defines the scrumptious taste. That is the main principle applied by Sahnawi, a local farmer, as well as a wine coffee maker from Gombengsari in Banyuwangi. 

With a special technique and his skill in brewing the beans, he can create a scrumptious beverage with a distinctive scent of wine combined with the delinquent aroma of this browny beans. 

This variant is also known as fermented one. It is because the cherry has to go through the fermentation process. “Every kind of it has its own distinctive taste, which any lover can choose based on their preference,” said Sahnawi.

The Variety of Wine Coffee

Kopi-Wine-2.jpgSahnawi, the maker of wine coffee at his own coffee shop, Triskele Kahyangan Coffee. (PHOTO: Anggara Cahya/TIMES Indonesia)

There are several variant of this browny beans. Most of them have nice scent and addictive taste. First is the Arabica. It has a scrumptious wine aroma when it is brewed with hot water. It has a strong sour-sweet taste. 

The next one is Excelsa. It has a strong yet delicious aroma of durian, with a bitter, slightly sour and sweet taste like a fruit. Excelsa has become one of the most favorite types in Japan. 

“I usually export the best-selling variety of wine coffee to Japan, such as Arabica and Excelsa with a relatively high price,” he said. 

Meanwhile, the Robusta has a bitter flavour with a slight taste of wine. Robusta is less popular than the other two varieties, because it does not have a strong taste. That’s why it is sold at a lower price. “Roasted Arabica and Excelsa costs IDR 1,000,000/kg, while Robusta costs IDR 400,000,” he stated. 

“In Banyuwangi, Arabica and Excelsa costs IDR 500,000 - IDR 600,000/kg. It has become the main supply of almost all the cafe in Banyuwangi,” Sahnawi added. 

The Making of Wine Coffee in Gombengsari

Kopi-Wine-3.jpgThe fermentation process of coffee cherry. (PHOTO: Anggara Cahya/TIMES Indonesia)

It needs a lot of patience to make the this particular beverage. A slight error in the process may cause the beverage become toxic, which is quite danger to cunsume. The process starts with washing the cherry by the farmer in Gombengsari. 

Then, it is dried under the sun for half a day during the dry season to decrease the water level in the husks. In this step, it should be totally clean so that there will be no bacteria that will create fungus. 

After being dried, the cherry is fermented. The fermentation process is done by wrapping the  cherry in an air-tight plastic for 41 days. It needs to be checked once a week to make sure the cherry does not clot. This process should not be more than 41 days to prevent any toxins, such as Cyanide and Arsenic. 

“In a week, we usually can smell the scent of the wine from the cherry. Besides, the color of the cherry has become faint. If it didn't clot, it means the fermentation process is successful," the guy said.

After 41 days, the beans is dried again to make sure that it has no more water. Next, the beans are peeled and roasted. This process also determines the quality of the taste and aroma. If this process is too long, the taste will become bitter and the aroma will become faint. 

“The taste depends on how someone brews and roasts the beans,” he stated. 

Sahnawi has learned much about the process since he was a child. He started to learn about wine coffee in 2018 from his partner from China, who combined the beans with honey aroma by using the honey process. 

In addition to that, Sahnawi also has a cafe and his own brand called Triskele Kahyangan Coffee, located in Lingkungan Gombeng, Gombengsari, Kalipuro sub-district in Banyuwangi. 

His cafe sells variety of his products, such as wine coffee, Luwak coffee and Kopi Lanang, which can be savored while enjoying the breeze at the 700-hectare of the plantation.

The customers outside Banyuwangi can also purchase the product. This nice scent beans is available in a 300-gram pack, which costs IDR 30,000 to IDR 100,000, depending on the type and variety. 

Savoring the scrumptious wine coffee while enjoying the beauty of nature can be a great sensation that you can experience in Sahnawi’s cafe. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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