
Doing Exercise and Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

Selasa, 28 Maret 2023 - 03:15 | 49.83k
Young mom to be doing exercise during her pregnancy. (Photo: Freepik) 
Young mom to be doing exercise during her pregnancy. (Photo: Freepik) 

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAPregnancy sometimes makes up a little bit worried that we could no longer do some heavy activity such as exercise and chores. Little did you know you could all the things you wanted with certain guidelines. You need to visit your OBGYN before doing the activities you want. 

You could also follow these tips and tricks released by dr Jihan Arabikum SpOG, an OBGYN at Mawar Hospital Malang. Jihan spills out some secret activities you could do and as well the solution for certain problems faced during this moment. But to do this make sure you have talked about it with your doctor. 

Several Tips to Exercise  Safely during Pregnancy 

1. Simple Exercise 

You could do simple to medium exercise to keep your cardio healthy. Simple exercise like walking, yoga, or swimming will be a good choice for this phase. You could do it in the morning or late afternoon when the sun doesn't spread its heat thoroughly. 

2. Good Timing 

Pick some time which you will not be much exhausted. Those time after breakfast or right before dinner will be a good thing to do these activities. This will make sure you have enough nutrients for the fetus and keep it healthy. 

3. Wear Comfortable Suit 

Wear a comfortable suit during your exercise. Pick the one made of cotton, loose, and light. The shoes also matters for this activities. Pick the one which suit to the exercise you have. 

4. Stay Hydrated 

Make sure you have enough water with all those activities lining up the whole day especially when you pregnant. Not only will make the fetus healthy, it will also keep you stay alive and strong while doing all of your activities. 

5. Enough Sleep 

Get enough rest and sleep will be the most crucial thing to have during Pregnancy. Make sure you sleep enough and not forcing yourself to work out more than you can do. Try to rest more if you feeling exhausted and may be not to do exercise at all. Just consider your health as well the fetus in your womb. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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