
Rujak Cingur, an Ultimate Traditional Dish of East Java

Kamis, 11 Mei 2023 - 00:11 | 211.95k
Mouthwatering look of Rujak Cingur. (Photo: Ikarahma/Freepik)
Mouthwatering look of Rujak Cingur. (Photo: Ikarahma/Freepik)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTARujak Cingur is indeed a traditional dish from East Java, particularly popular in Surabaya. Its unique name comes from its main ingredient, which is "cingur" meaning "mouth" in Javanese. The dish typically features slices of boiled cow's mouth as one of its key components.

This dish offers a diverse range of flavors. It combines savory, spicy, and sweet tastes, enhanced by the chewy texture of the beef mouth when mixed together. The food is known for its complex and harmonious blend of flavors, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

This delicate food somehow has become a festive dish and serve during big occasion like gathering or a feast. In East Java this dish could be found easily in some small restaurant or those high end places. 

The Way Rujak Cingur is Served

Apart from the cow mouth, other common ingredients found in the dish include fresh vegetables such as cucumber, bean sprouts, and water spinach. It is usually topped with a generous serving of peanut sauce, which adds richness and depth to the overall taste. 

Additionally, the food may be garnished with fried tofu, fried tempeh, shrimp crackers, and sometimes even boiled potatoes or fermented shrimp paste (petis). Some people will tend to eat it with rice cake an some will love to have it with just plain rice. 

Rujak Cingur is typically enjoyed as a refreshing and satisfying appetizer or a light meal on its own. However, when it comes with rice cake or rice, it will be a perfect side dishes to have.

Some People will Add Fruits into Rujak Cingur

It's a delightful representation of the diverse culinary heritage of East Java, showcasing the region's ability to create a harmonious blend of flavors and textures in a single dish.

Surprisingly some people will add some fruits in it. Some vendor will put slices of fresh jicama, pineapple, and even unripe mango or june plum to add the flavor. These fruit will give a little natural fresh sourly taste in to it.

Either with or without the fruit, Rujak Cingur has managed t steal the local community hearts with it taste. It can be denied that this dish has become one of the most favorite food to have by the local anywhere anytime. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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