
Mount Bromo Shows Increased Activity: Alert Status Released

Kamis, 14 Desember 2023 - 20:24 | 75.04k
The exotic view of Bromo with dozens of visitors around the crater. (Photo: TIMES Indonesia)
The exotic view of Bromo with dozens of visitors around the crater. (Photo: TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Mount Bromo, an iconic volcano situated within the Tengger Caldera, has exhibited heightened activity, prompting vigilance while maintaining a Level II alert status.

This status released according to observations from the Mount Bromo Observation Post in Cemoro Lawang on Wednesday (12/13/2023) at 06:00 AM. "Grayish smoke emanated from the crater with a moderate to thick intensity, exerting moderate to strong pressure from within the caldera," PVMBG said on statement.


The emitted smoke, characterized by its grayish hue, is commonly accompanied by volcanic ash materials, as reported by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG). Local government authorities and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) are urged to coordinate closely with the Mount Bromo Observation Post in Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari Village, Sukapura District.

Despite the increase in activity, Mount Bromo's status remains at a cautious Level II. PVMBG emphasizes that the volcano's activity level will be subject to reassessment in the event of significant visual and instrumental changes.

Mount Bromo Characteristics

Situated at an elevation of 2,329 meters above sea level within the Tengger Caldera, Mount Bromo is a prominent feature of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS). Administratively, this sacred mountain for the Tenggerese people falls within the territories of Probolinggo, Malang, Pasuruan, and Lumajang Regencies in East Java Province.

Contrary to previous observations where the emitted smoke was white with varying intensity, weak to moderate pressure, and an altitude ranging from 50 to 900 meters, recent observations showcase grayish smoke with an increased intensity.

Seismic Activities and Deformation

Seismic observations indicate continuous tremors with an amplitude of 0.5 – 1 millimeter (dominant at 0.5 mm), accompanied by three recorded Deep Volcanic Earthquakes in December 2023. PVMBG suggests these observations signify pressure fluctuations within Mount Bromo's interior, coupled with fluid flow to the surface.

Furthermore, deformation monitoring using Borehole Tiltmeter and Tiltmeter equipment reveals an inflationary trend or increased pressure around Mount Bromo's structure during December.

While Mount Bromo maintains a vigilant status, ongoing monitoring and assessment of both visual and instrumental data remain crucial. The collaborative efforts of relevant authorities aim to ensure the safety of the surrounding communities and visitors while providing valuable insights into the dynamic volcanic activity of Mount Bromo. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan