
Endarman Saputra: Pioneering Indonesian Achieves PhD in Sport Management

Rabu, 27 Desember 2023 - 03:29 | 48.66k
Endarman Saputra (third from the right) with the panel of judges. (Photo: PPI Dunia)
Endarman Saputra (third from the right) with the panel of judges. (Photo: PPI Dunia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAEndarman Saputra, a lecturer from the University of Jambi, recently successfully defended his dissertation before a panel of judges at Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 (University of Lyon), France. This event led to Endarman Saputra being awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in the field of sports management.

Taking place on Friday, December 15, 2023, this event made Endarman Saputra the first Doctor in Indonesia in the field of sports. This is undoubtedly a source of pride for the nation and serves as an inspiration for other Indonesian students.


"Valid, he became the first doctor in Indonesia in the field of sports management," said a member of PPI Dunia when contacted via WhatsApp.

About Endarman Saputra's Dissertation

With the dissertation titled "Developing Tourism With New Sporting Events: Evaluating the Tour de Singkarak's Impacts on Indonesian Residents" Endarman successfully steals the hearts of the judges. The examining panel highly appreciated Endarman Saputra's dedication in completing his doctoral dissertation.

Overall, his dissertation is based on an interesting mix of qualitative and quantitative studies. According to the panel of judges, the quality of this dissertation is excellent and provides valuable insights into the motivation behind the creation of Tour de Singkarak.

In his dissertation, Endarman also delves into the perception of Indonesian local residents regarding the event. Various impacts of this cycling race on the surrounding ecosystem are also detailed.

Endarman Saputra was guided by Guillaume Bodet, an experienced professor with an international reputation in sports marketing, sports tourism, and sporting events.

During his education, Endarman Saputra was supported by funding from the Advance Knowledge and Skills for Sustainable Growth in Indonesia (AKSI) Project. This program is supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Endarman Saputra's outstanding achievement lies in completing his doctoral education in three years. This is remarkable considering that, on average, the Laboratory of Vulnerability and Innovation in Sport, where he conducted his research, takes four years to complete a doctoral program.

Benefits of Endarman Saputra's Dissertation

According to the judges, this doctoral dissertation addresses original and interesting issues. The research provides critical understanding for policymakers, event organizers, and stakeholders in the community, aiming to strengthen the image of sports events and enhance public satisfaction while stimulating loyalty.

Endarman Saputra's doctoral work highlights the need for a balanced and comprehensive approach in the preparation and execution of sports events. This is crucial to ensure positive impacts for the stakeholders involved in the project.

His work encompasses two distinct studies, with the first aiming to understand the motivation behind the creation of Tour de Singkarak through Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and socio-technical analysis. Meanwhile, the second focuses on measuring the perceptions of local residents in West Sumatra regarding Tour de Singkarak and its impact on their ecosystem.

Endarman Saputra also discusses that the innovation process of Tour de Singkarak involves many players, and the results and discussion of the second study test the hypotheses put forward. In-depth analysis reveals the complexity of the relationships between various variables, such as the event's image, satisfaction, attitudes, and behaviors of local residents towards Tour de Singkarak.

As the first doctor in the field of sports, Endarman Saputra opens doors for the next generation to further explore the complex relationship between sports, tourism, and society.

His achievement shows that Indonesia has great potential to produce high-quality researchers and academics internationally in this field. Thus, Endarman Saputra not only creates personal history but also makes a sustainable contribution to our understanding of the role of sports in sustainable development. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur