
Fasting for Weight Loss and Other Benefits

Minggu, 17 Maret 2024 - 03:24 | 26.23k
Fasting for health. (Photo: Drobotdean/Freepik)
Fasting for health. (Photo: Drobotdean/Freepik)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAFasting is not merely about abstaining from hunger, thirst, and carnal desires. Beyond that, fasting holds various benefits for bodily health. Moreover, fasting can also be beneficial for those with certain illnesses. Below are several health benefits of fasting.

1. Weight Loss

The first health benefit of fasting is weight loss. Fasting can increase the body's metabolism, leading to higher calorie and fat burning. This triggers weight loss and prevents obesity.


2. Heart Health

Individuals who fast for a full month are known to have lower risks of heart disease, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure compared to those who do not fast. Fasting allows individuals to regulate their diet to a healthier one.

3. Brain Function Improvement

Holding off hunger and thirst stimulates the growth of new nerve cells in the brain. Thus, it can help improve brain function, including protecting the brain from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Fasting for a full month can also form new neural pathways in the brain, aiding biological, psychological, and functional development.

4. Boosting Immunity

Fasting for three days or more triggers the regeneration process of the immune system in individuals of all ages. Fasting also prompts stem cells to produce new white blood cells, enhancing the body's immune system to fight infections.

5. Enhancing Happiness

Fasting is a means of self-control, including from negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. After several days of fasting, the body produces more endorphins. These hormones reduce pain and trigger feelings of pleasure, calmness, and happiness.

6. Increasing Body Metabolism

Fasting helps boost the body's metabolism. This is because the body still receives food intake during suhoor (pre-dawn meal) and iftar (breaking fast meal). Fasting makes metabolism more efficient due to the release of adiponectin hormone, which helps every organ and muscle cell absorb more nutrients.

7. Appetite Control

With regular fasting, the body automatically regulates the production of hunger-triggering hormones and releases them only when the body truly needs food.

8. Blood Sugar Control

Fasting can help reduce insulin resistance and excessive blood sugar levels. This occurs because insulin helps control blood sugar levels in the body by transporting sugar to body cells and turning it into energy.

9. Reducing Inflammation

Another health benefit of fasting is reducing inflammation. When the immune system fights infection, body inflammation is normal. However, aside from being uncomfortable, continuous inflammation can lead to other diseases. Fortunately, fasting can also reduce inflammation in the body. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan