Celebrating Nuzulul Qur'an - Benyamin Davnie: Holy Qur'an Must Be The Guide for Live

TIMESINDONESIA, TANGERANG – Maghrib call to prayer has soundef that day, Thursday March 28, 2024 or 17 Ramadan 1445 Hijriah. Muslims throughout the world, and especially those in the city of South Tangerang (Tangsel), celebrated Nuzulul Qur'an night, a night which is considered an important event in Islam.
South Tangerang City Government (Tangsel City) held a commemoration of the night of Nuzulul Qur'an. This commemoration was also filled with readings from national winners of Koran recitation and religious sermons delivered by Ustaz Hilman Fauzi, which took place at Baiturrahmi Mosque, Islamic Centre Tangsel, on Thursday (28/03/2024)
In Islamic tradition, Nuzulul Qur'an occurred back in 610 AD, when Prophet Muhammad SAW received the first revelation from Jibrīl, as the beginning of the revelation of the verses of the Koran. This incident occurred in Hira Cave, on the slopes of Jabal Nur, near Mecca.
Benyamin who was present with Deputy Mayor, Pilar Saga Ichsan, Chairman of MUI of South Tangerang City, and Arif Jamaluddin of ICMI of South Tangerang City and Province, said that Al-Qur'an must be the guide for life in the midst of modernization.
Mayor and Deputy Mayor of South Tangerang City with attendees (Islamic Centre, 28 March 2024).
"In the present era full of challenges and temptations, when moral values are often shifted due to the current of modernization and globalization which are not always in line with our role model religion and the Koran must always be the compass that guides us," he said.
"A real example of the application of Al-Qur'an values in developing community character. Inclusive education and environmental conservation efforts that we have and will continue to develop in the area of South Tangerang City," he added.
The Mayor also described that his government has increased the number of Al-Qur'an memorizers, scholarships for Qur'an Hafidz, as well developing Al-Qur'an educational institutions.
Benyamin Davnie who came from a native Tangerang concerns about his society and shall continue to create a religious, civilized, knowledgable society with noble character.
The energetic man at age of 66 is happy to invite the entire community, including women participation in South Tangerang City to actively get involved in various programs run by the South Tangerang City Government.
Meanwhile, Hilman Fauzi, Islamic Scholar and Cleric who obtained his Doctoral degree from overseas shared his experiences from Zero to Hero and it was his late mother who taught him to observe the Holy Koran as the guidance of his life. Hilman is currently viral on several media platforms.
"Everything goes back to the Qur'an; from Qur'an, by the Qur'an, for the Qur'an.
Muslimah from South Tangerang City, celebrated Nuzulul Qur'an night at Baiturrahmi Mosque, Islamic Centre Tangsel, on Thursday (28/03/2024).
As long as there are still Qur'an expertises and guides in our circle, our city shall be fine," he said.
Holy Qur'an came with three purposes; first as a source of calmness, second as a source of safety, and third as a source of glory."
"if our heart wants to be calm, stick to Al-Qur"an, if our life wants to be safe, stick to Al-Qur'an, and if our lives want to be noble, never be far from Al-Qur'an," Hilman advised.
The sounds of Hadrah Islamic music and Sholawat ended the gathering and everyone was feeling grateful and joy and hoping to meet again at the same program next year. (*)
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Editor | : Wahyu Nurdiyanto |
Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |