Tebuireng Students Foster Entrepreneurship Skills Through Santri Business Forum

TIMESINDONESIA, JOMBANG – In the midst of the vibrant Tebuireng Pesantren Festival, the Santri Business Forum emerged as a pivotal moment in fostering entrepreneurial spirit among students.
Held at the KH Yusuf Hasyim Building, 3rd floor, this event managed to attract more than 200 participants eager to deepen their knowledge and skills in the business world.
The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm and energy. Participants were encouraged to understand the importance of economic self-reliance and the business potential it holds.
According to Abdul Malik, Chairman of the Tebuireng Pesantren Festival Committee, the purpose of this forum is to educate students to become entrepreneurs, build business networks, share experiences, connect with alumni, and hopefully find blessings in togetherness.
This student-run business forum featured speakers who are successful entrepreneurs and alumni of Tebuireng Pesantren, such as Asto Hartopo, H. Soleh, and Muhammad Faizin. They shared their success stories and the challenges they faced in building their businesses. Their inspirational stories served as motivation for students to step into the business world.
The highlight of the event was the initiation of the "Tebuireng Business Interconnection" or TBI. This forum served as a platform for alumni entrepreneurs to connect, collaborate, and support each other in business development.
The aim is for this network to facilitate the exchange of experiences, share resources, and create mutually beneficial cooperation opportunities.
The presence of more than 200 participants demonstrates great enthusiasm among students and alumni of Tebuireng Pesantren in developing entrepreneurship. They not only listened to inspirational speakers but also actively participated in Q&A sessions and discussions to delve deeper into the material and motivation presented.
One participant, Fitria, expressed her positive impression, feeling very inspired by the event. Hearing the success stories from alumni entrepreneurs made her more confident that entrepreneurship is a worthwhile pursuit.
"I really hope to connect through the Tebuireng Business Interconnection (TBI) in the future to expand my network and gain support in developing my business," she said on Friday (3/5/2024).
Through the Santri Business Forum and the initiation of Tebuireng Business Interconnection (TBI), attendees reaffirmed their commitment to supporting students and alumni to become successful entrepreneurs who positively impact society's development.
The entrepreneurial spirit instilled at Tebuireng Pesantren is expected to be a valuable asset for alumni in facing challenges and achieving success in the business world.
The Santri Business Forum is tangible evidence of Tebuireng Pesantren's commitment to producing students who are not only knowledgeable in religion but also have an entrepreneurial spirit capable of making positive contributions to the nation. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |