
Dr. Nury Firdausia, M.Pd.I: How It Feels to be a Guardian of the Islamic Boarding School

Selasa, 19 November 2024 - 19:41 | 68.80k
Interview with Dr. Nury Firdausia, M.Pd.I Lecturer and Guardian of the Islamic Boarding School, (19/10/2024). (photo: Diva Oktavia)
Interview with Dr. Nury Firdausia, M.Pd.I Lecturer and Guardian of the Islamic Boarding School, (19/10/2024). (photo: Diva Oktavia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Dr. Nury Firdausia, M.Pd.I, the lecturer and guardian of Daruzzahra Arrifa'i  Islamic Boarding School shared her experience after years deling with her position. According to her the Islamic Boarding School used a esantren way of educating the students.

Pesantren a traditional Islamic boarding school in Indonesia that sometimes assume as a closed and conservative place. For your information this place is somehow focuses on religious education and character development.


However, she emphasized that the conservative thing that happens in pesantren right now is to maintain a good situation, good habits, and good traditions.

"It is done without closing themselves off from the development of science, technology and social change as long as it is still rational and in accordance with religious and social norms," she said in a special interview with Times Indonesia.

The lady which used to called as Ummah Nury has devoted herself as a lecturer at STAIMA Al-Hikam Malang, chairman of the Assyauqiy Tahfidz Center Malang City and also the guardian of PP. Daruzzahra Arrifa'i.

In this special interview, the 38 year old lady discuss the challenges and how to combine academic and spiritual education. As well as the role of Islamic boarding schools in facing the times. Not only that, she will share her views on the contribution of women in these two domains.

How do you divide your roles as a lecturer and guardian of boarding school in a balanced way?

My role is sometimes as a mother, sister, friend, mentor, supervisor, evaluator, and even motivator. The key for me is to prioritize, sort out the tasks and obligations that are most needed in the near future, make a daily, weekly, and monthly to-do list. If I am unable to complete it myself, I do not hesitate to delegate it to others, of course, still with good direction and my control.

What is the biggest motivation in carrying out these two roles?

The biggest motivation in carrying out these various roles is because I want to be a woman who is useful for many people, both at home and outside the home. Then, transmitting enthusiasm and creating inspiration for many people.

What are the main challenges faced by women who play a role in education and pesantren?

The main challenge is istiqomah to keep going when duties and obligations come together. Especially, physical and psychological conditions that must remain stable in any conditions and situations.

What are the main values that you instills in santri to face the challenges of modern times?

As a strength, santri must be strong in faith (iman) and strong in knowledge, these two things are the main provisions. If their faith is strong, if they are confronted with any problems, they will remain mentally stable and believe in the help of Allah (their god). If his knowledge is strong, then he will not easily despair because with his knowledge he will always find a way out for every problem he faces.

Then santri must be Creative, Innovative, Adaptive and Collaborative in order to survive and be empowered anytime and anywhere.

How does technology affect the world of pesantren and how can pesantren adapt?

Technology has become a part of life in all lines of society, including pesantren academics. Through technology, pesantren become known to many people, because it also indirectly fosters the willingness of the pesantren community to improve and improve themselves and improve their quality to be even better. Not only for existence but as a commitment of pesantren to be part of Islamic educational institutions with potential and dedication to the country.

How can you overcome the stereotype that pesantren tend to be conservative in accepting social change?

With regard to the stereotypes that society or the assumptions of some people about the kujumudan and ancientness of pesantren, it is our duty to broadcast the various positive activities and traditions of pesantren and their positive impact on the education of the nation's generation and their impact on society and the Indonesian nation. 

The Guardian of Islamic Boarding School of Daruzzahra Arrifa'i said that though there still some bad assumption about pesantren way of teaching people must start to open their eyes and mind that the new meanig of pesantren has been declared during this modern day. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan