
Several Enchanting Places in Medan which will Pamper Your Eyes

Rabu, 22 Mei 2019 - 03:20 | 63.03k
Toba Lake. (Picture by: pegipegi)
Toba Lake. (Picture by: pegipegi)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Medan has been known to have lots of nature beauty and enchanting places especially for the lake. But some of them has not been managed properly or never been touched by some people. Here are some tourism destination in Medan for you to visit.

1. Toba Lake

Danau-TOba-wikipedia.jpg(Sumber: id.wikipedia.org)

This lake is an iconic lake from Medan. The Samosir, its famous island in the middle of it make it more enchanting to see. You could ride a boat to enjoy the lake from the middle view.

2. Siombak Lake

Danau-Siombak-Gobatak.jpg(Sumber: Gobatak)

This lake was formerly made by the local citizen for irrigation. Though it was build for irrigation but this lake has a beautiful scenery for some adventure or selfie.

3. Sipiso Piso

Sipiso-Piso-pinterest.jpg(Sumber: pinterest)

Sipiso Piso is a beautiful enchanting high waterfall which is surrounded by lots of trees and valleys. There is also a beautiful pine forest which is very suitable for adventure lovers.

4. Bicolor waterfall or Air Terjun Dua Warna

Air-Terjun-Dua-Warna-travel.jpg(Sumber: travel)

This waterfall is very unique. It as clear as diamond when it was on the peak and changed to crystal clear when it reach the bottom. No one knows where the crystal color came from. However this place is very suitable for you who love nature and selfie.

5. Rafting at Bingei River

Arung-Jeram-tigerbear.jpg(Sumber: tigerbear.wordpress.com)

If you would like to enjoy sight seeing on top of an inflatable boat. The river which has a high stream will take your nerve to the next level. The beautiful scenery around the River will add some unspeakable sensation which you could get.

What do you think? Interesting to visit this places in Medan. Book a flight through Airy and get your journey to this enchanting places. Good Luck!!!. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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