
This is What Kampung Coklat Blitar Does to Welcome the New Normal

Senin, 29 Juni 2020 - 02:29 | 96.71k
How the entrance gate of Kampung Coklat Blitar looks like nowadays. (Photo: Sholeh/TIMES Indonesia)
How the entrance gate of Kampung Coklat Blitar looks like nowadays. (Photo: Sholeh/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BLITAR – To welcome new normal time, Kampung Coklat of Blitar East Java set a group of Covid-19 task force on every corner of their area to help them watch whether the Covid-19 protocol standard has been properly applied either by the visitors or the staff.  

“They will help us supervised the area and also to remind everyone to follow the right new normal protocol such as always wear their mask, wash their hand once an hour and more other,” Operational Manager of Kampung Coklat Akhsin Alfata said on Saturday (27/6/2020).


For this mission, the management has given them a brief explanation about the proper way to take care of visitors or staff if one of them found to have a fever. They were also acknowledged on how to give a proper treatment if there is an accidental moment happened.

Meanwhile, Alfata also emphasized to all the visitors to better have checked their condition before going to this place. If anyone ever found the have a high fever more than 37.5 ℃ they will directly send to the nearest hospital for further check-up.

As another place which apply Covid-19 protocol standard, Kampung Coklat will also check their visitor’ body temperature band ask them to wash their hand before entering the place. They also will make them to order an online ticketing to minimize physical contact.

"All of our staff will be equipped with Personal Protective Equipment such as mask, face shield and hand gloves,” Operational Manager of Kampung Coklat, Blitar, East Java Akhsin Alfata added. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur