Maitara Island to Become Super Premium Tourist Destination

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – The Government of Tidore through the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) of Tidore Islands proposes to make Maitara Island to become the super premium tourist destination.
According to Yakub Husain, the Head of Disbudpar Tidore Islands, this program is aimed to solve the problems of tourism development in Tidore Islands, especially at the village level.
This program will start from the four villages located in Maitara Island at South Tidore. This island will be a good starting point for the Government of Tidore to collaborate with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime & Investment Affairs (Kemenkomarvest RI).
"If this proposal is accommodated in 2021, we will propose to make any villages that have good tourism potential to become the super premium tourist destination," said Yakub to TIMES Indonesia.
This super premium tourism development refers to the design planned by Disbudpar of Tidore Islands. Kemenkomarvest is expected to help them solve the lack of amenities in Maitara Island, such as adding some cottages and building some restaurants above the sea.
Meanwhile, the Government of Tidore will focus on the development of tourism sectors, such as providing rinse-off area, drainage, and sea dredging that can be used as a swimming area for the visitors in Maitara Island. (*)
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Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |