
These Creatures Has Tiger Stripe Patterns on Their Body

Minggu, 08 Januari 2023 - 01:38 | 67.40k
Leopard Gecko. (Photo: Kuritafsheen77/Freepik)
Leopard Gecko. (Photo: Kuritafsheen77/Freepik)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTATiger Stripes has become a lovely pattern that mesmerize our eyes apart of what animal has this kind of stripe model. It is somehow therapeutic to see their yellowish, black, and dark brown color. 

Little did you know not only the tiger, some world exotic animals also has this kind of stripes. They all look amazing though some of them only has it on some part of their body. Yet. these pattern look astonishing regarding to the different size of the animal. 

5 Type of Animals with Tiger Stripes on the Body

1. Leopard Gecko

This creature has such a exotic tiger stripe pattern on its body. Its native to South East Afghanistan, West India, Pakistan Iran, and Iraq. As for now, this exotic animal has been breed and sell across the world .

You could find it in the local exotic creature store, for not every pet store sold it due to some license. Most of the Leopard Gecko display on the pet store came from Pakistan. 

2. Monarch Butterfly

Monarch-butterfly.jpgMonarch butterfly. (FOTO: Wirestock/Freepik)

This beautiful creatures will be easily to be found during spring on a tip of a flower sucking some nectars for their food. Seems like most of the country in the world knew about this beauty. As any butterfly in the world, this tiger stripe looking butterfly also has a short life span.

3. Frogs

Hylarana-Signata.jpgHylarana Signata. (FOTO: Wirestock/Freepik)

There are two kind of frogs which has beautiful tiger stripes pattern patched on their body. They are the Hylarana signata or striped stream frog and Northern Orangelegged Leaf Frog. The stripped stream frog is native to South East Asia countries including Indonesia and Malaysia. They lived in swamps, rivers, or rice fields. 

Meanwhile, the Northern Orangelegged Leaf Frog is a native to South America. The tiger stripped pattern could only be seen on its tight, you need a closer look to see it exotic pattern. 

4. Fishes

There are several fresh-water fish with tiger stripe pattern patched naturally on their body. Let's say the Tiger Muskie, Tiger Trout, Tiger Guppy, and Tiger Barb. Some of them native to foreign countries and some of them could have been found in the local pet shop for certain prices. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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