
Check the New Ticket Price for Bromo and Bentar Beach

Selasa, 06 Februari 2024 - 02:59 | 23.81k
The tourist enjoying their moment watching beautiful view of Bromo from a far. (Photo: Rizky Putra Dinasti/TIMES Indonesia)
The tourist enjoying their moment watching beautiful view of Bromo from a far. (Photo: Rizky Putra Dinasti/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, PROBOLINGGO – Indonesia's Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park and its iconic Bentar Beach have long been magnets for both domestic and international tourists. Recent adjustments in ticket prices, overseen by the Regional Government (Pemda).

The adjustments have triggered discussions about their implications on visitor experiences and the corresponding improvements in facilities. Let's delves into the changes in ticket prices and the ongoing efforts to enhance infrastructure, offering insights into the evolving landscape of these beloved destinations.

Ticket Price Adjustments and Facility Responsibilities

Implemented by Pemda, the revised ticket prices for Bromo increased to Rp25,000 for Domestic Tourists. And it goes Rp35,000 for International Tourists, up from Rp20,000 and Rp30,000, respectively.

Similarly, entrance fees at Bentar Beach rose to Rp10,000 for children and Rp15,000 for adults. Yudi, a spokesperson for the administration, clarified that the responsibility for facilities within the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (BB TNBTS) area falls under BB TNBTS, not Pemda.

Despite concerns, Yudi reassured the public that improvements in road access have been noted, promising a smoother journey for visitors even before the recent ticket price adjustments. Contrary to worries about the impact of ticket price increases on facilities, Yudi highlighted positive developments in road access.

"Prior to the adjustments, the road has become wider and smoother, reaching up to Seruni Point," he stated. The focus on enhancing road infrastructure aims to provide a more convenient and enjoyable experience for visitors to the iconic Bromo region.

Balancing Visitor Experience and Conservation

While ticket price adjustments may raise concerns, it is crucial to consider the broader context of these changes. The increased revenue generated from ticket sales is likely to contribute to the conservation.

It as well give an impact to the maintenance of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. This ensures the preservation of the unique natural beauty that attracts tourists from around the world.

As the government takes steps to improve facilities and infrastructure, visitors can anticipate a more comfortable and enjoyable experience amid the breathtaking landscapes of Bromo and the rejuvenating ambiance of Bentar Beach.

The ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility and conservation align with the goal of creating a sustainable and memorable destination for both domestic and international tourists.

The recent ticket price adjustments at Bromo and Bentar Beach reflect a commitment to balancing visitor experience with conservation efforts. The improvements ultimately ensuring a positive and sustainable tourism experience for all who venture to these iconic Indonesian destinations.(*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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