Gaya Hidup

Secret Recipe for Japanese Longevity

Minggu, 21 Mei 2023 - 03:24 | 122.90k
Japanese oelder people. (Photo: Vecstock/Freepik)
Japanese oelder people. (Photo: Vecstock/Freepik)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Michiko Tomioka, a nutrition expert from Japan, shared her experience with CNBC regarding the secrets of longevity among the Japanese population. According to her, local residents often avoid certain foods and prefer specific choices that contribute to their long and healthy lives.

Japan is known for having one of the highest average life expectancies, with 15% of the total population currently aged 75 years or older. This makes the country believed to have the best secret recipe for longevity. 

According to Michiko, this is because those elderly people prioritize foods that are beneficial to their health and promote longevity. She also reveals the secrets of some foods that are rarely consumed by the elderly. Several of these are related to much sugar and salt. 

6 Modern Foods Japanese Elder People Rarely Consumed

1. Hamburgers and fast food

Hamburgers and fast food often contain high amounts of salt, trans fats, and saturated fats, which can increase LDL cholesterol levels. Making homemade burgers with minimal salt and seasonings and serving them on top of red rice balls with added edamame can be a healthier choice.

2. Hot dogs

Processed meats like hot dogs contain high levels of salt and saturated fat, which can increase the risk of certain types of cancer. As an alternative, Michiko suggests tofu and multigrain rice balls filled with tuna and wrapped in seaweed. These foods provide important proteins and minerals.

3. High-sugar cereals

Breakfast cereals with added sugar can contribute to high blood pressure, weight gain, inflammation, and an increased risk of diabetes. Some soy-based foods like tempeh, natto, and others can be a suitable choice for breakfast, as long as they are not fried or overly seasoned.

4. High-sugar sodas

Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Artificial sweeteners in diet sodas can also have negative effects. Michiko suggests opting for fresh and low-calorie beverages like green tea, such as iced matcha or hojicha (which contains less caffeine), for better health.

5. Candies

Not all candies are bad for health. Dark chocolate, for example, is known to contain antioxidants that fight diseases. However, consuming excessive amounts of candies that contain sugar and corn syrup can have negative effects on heart and brain health.

As an alternative, if you crave something sweet, Michiko recommends banana pudding and dark chocolate with added honey. Of course, enjoying a small piece of cake with friends on special occasions is also allowed.

6. Cream cheese

Although dairy products can be a good source of calcium and protein, cream cheese often contains high cholesterol and lower protein content. Michiko suggests consuming fruit spreads without added sugar as a replacement.

Michiko also explains that her food choices consist of nutrient-rich and minimally processed foods, which she believes is the key to the long life expectancy or the longevity of the Japanese population. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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