
The Sweetness of Brownies from the 18th Century

Senin, 02 Januari 2023 - 07:41 | 98.19k
Brownies, a chocolate cake that exists since the 18th century. (Washingtonpost.com)
Brownies, a chocolate cake that exists since the 18th century. (Washingtonpost.com)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTABrownies is one of the most popular sweets that was already exist since the 18th century. Little did you know, this sweet chocolaty treat has a long story before it was known as the best treat in the public. 

Many sources mentioned that treat were founded in the kitchen of Palmer House Hotel, Chicago, US. At that time, the owner of Palmer House, Bertha Palmer requested a chef to create a new type of dessert for the ladies who attended the World Exhibition in Chicago.

The brilliant chef did an experiment and successfully delivered a chocolate cake covered in walnuts and apricots as a result. This brown looking treat successfully impressed all of the guests. 

However, the original recipe for the impressive brown chocolaty cake was not written anywhere, thus no one can recreate the brilliant dessert. Later in 1898, a recipe for brownies appeared in the Boston Cooking School Cook Book, written by Fannie Merritt Farmer.

Another story also mentioned that this tempting treat were founded by a housewife from Bangor, Maine, US. The housewife wanted to make her son’s favorite chocolate treat, but forgot to put baking powder into the dough. 

Her mistake turned a common dark brown dough into a tasty chocolate cake as we know it today, complete with its iconic dense texture.

Brownies and It's First Appearance in Indonesian Movie

Yet another story about the origin of the legendary chocolate cake was also brought as a movie in 2005 in Indonesia, with the title of Brownies with the main actors of Marcella Zalianty, Bucek Depp, and Philip Jusuf. 

In this romantic movie, there is a small part which tells a story about the origin of the chocolate delicacy. There it was mentioned that this cake was made after the chef incidentally put melted chocolate into the dough. After that mistake, it came out to be a rejected product. 

However, after sets of turn of events, the same treat were tested and quickly gain its popularity thanks to its unique texture and strong combination with chocolate taste.

There are many stories about the chocolate treat with different origins, however, it successfully maintained its popularity as one of the most favorite desserts even after many newer desserts come into the competition. 

Quite the opposite, this treat get more popular by days and a lot of people challenged their creativity and created an even wider variations of the same dessert; from steamed brownies, chocolate fudge, brownies cake, and even brownies cookies. 

Nowadays, the competition gets even tighter with the high variations of toppings you can choose from. In modern days people recreate the treat with their own recipe yet with splendid taste as well. 

Easy Homemade Recipe for Brownies

The Formulated Ingredients to Make Tasty Chocolaty Treat:

  • Cooking spray
  • 183 grams of brownie mix powder (you can also choose a multipurpose white flour instead)
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 55 grams of vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • 70 grams of multipurpose white flour
  • 1 tbsp of water
  • 120 grams of sliced and diced dark chocolate

How to turn all the ingredints into one nice brownies:

  1. Cover the tray using baking paper and spray enough cooking spray on top of the baking paper.
  2. Mix the flour, eggs, vegetable oil, baking powder, brownie mix powder, and water into a big bowl. Mix them well using a whisk or a mixer.
  3. Put the dark chocolate into the dough, cover and let it sit for approximately an hour.
  4. Put the dough into the freezer for 10 until 15 minutes. Put the tray into the oven with the heat of 180 degrees Celsius, with the top most position in the oven.
  5. Take the dough out and pour it into the heated tray and bake them for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Cool the cake for three minutes before removing them to another container to avoid ruining the cake. Move the cake once the temperature is equal to the room temperature. Let your brownies cool down for 20 minutes or so, and your chocolaty cake is ready to be served.

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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