
The Tasty Box, A fancy Treat of Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta

Jumat, 11 September 2020 - 05:13 | 128.62k
General Manager Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta, Harry Suryadharma the first lady of Sleman City, Dra Hj Kustini launched The Tasty Box, the newest product of the hotel. (PHOTO: Hendro S.B/TIMES Indonesia)
General Manager Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta, Harry Suryadharma the first lady of Sleman City, Dra Hj Kustini launched The Tasty Box, the newest product of the hotel. (PHOTO: Hendro S.B/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTASheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa launched their newest patisserie and bakery product called as The Tasty Box. This product was made by their experienced pastry chef with amazing taste.

The Tasty Box commits to delivered high qualified products with fancy taste to the customers with an exclusive, fancy and eye-catching packaging. You could have a package of it filled with, bread, cookies, tart, chocolate and some other product from the pantry.



“We have an open kitchen concept, so the customers could see the process for themselves. All are made by our best Executive Pastry Chef Risang Indariyanto,” Public Relation Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta, Elvi Fitri Yanti said on Thrursday (10/9/2020).

You could put anything in your box from Beef Floss, Pizza Bread, Meat N Cheese to kinds of cookies such as Almond Choco Cookies, Cinnamon Sable, Mocca and Oatmeal Cookies, also the delicious and tasty praline chocolate.

You could also have it dine in at their restaurant while enjoying their marvelous drink such Espresso, Caffe Latte, Americano, Cappuccino and some other drink that suit to accompany your meal time.


Meanwhile, beside The Tasty Box, Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa also launched their Wedding Gallery at the same night. You could have all the thing you need for your wedding by visiting this hotel and tell them about your wedding vision.

You could have The Tasty Box of Sheraton Mustika Yogyakarta at 7th floor of the hotel starting from 09.00 to 22.00 (local western time). And, you could have 50% sale at 5 to 9 pm. This discount could be applied daily without any term and condition. (*)


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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan