
Check This Industrial Class Held by Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro

Senin, 22 Februari 2021 - 23:28 | 79.97k
The students of SMKN 6 Yogyakarta senior high attending the industrial class holds by Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro Yogyakarta. (PHOTO: Tere for TIMES Indonesia)
The students of SMKN 6 Yogyakarta senior high attending the industrial class holds by Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro Yogyakarta. (PHOTO: Tere for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – To maintain their employees' performance, PT Metropolitan Golden Management which run Horison Hotels Group holds an industrial class. Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro Yogyakarta take a part in it.

The class was so called as Kelas Industri Horison (Horison Industrial Class). This event was a collaboration with the students of local vocational school, SMKN 6 Yogyakarta.


This class has stepped onto its 2nd semester. Not only Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro, all Horison Hotel which run under Horison Hotels Group in Yogyakarta and Central Java also conducted the same class.

This 2nd semester program was started on February 15 2021. Horison Uktima Riss Yogyakarta dedicated the class for the 10th grade students of SMKN 6 Yogyakarta. 

"This was to raise the quality of human resource. It gives the students a chance to be a professional in hospitality industry," Public Relations Manager Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro Yogyakarta, Threanekke Octa P. Said.

During the program, Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro will give the studentssome material about hospitalityindustry. They will also taken to join the internship program at their hotel.


Some material about the department Front Office, Food & Beverage Service, Food & Beverage Product and Housekeeping will be delivered during the program.

During the internship, the students will be taken to their post and do the things they have learned during the program. They will be guided to do the job.

In addition, Horison Ultima Riss Malioboro hope that through the program, there will be lots of skillful graduations that could join every Horison hotel in the country.

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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