
KM Kirana VII, The Mini Cruise Ship to Tour Around Java

Senin, 10 Januari 2022 - 03:13 | 116.11k
KM Kirana VII docking at Surabaya North Quay on Friday (7/1/2022). (Photo: Lely Yuana/TIMES Indonesia)
KM Kirana VII docking at Surabaya North Quay on Friday (7/1/2022). (Photo: Lely Yuana/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Roaming around from one island to another, or one place to another withcruise ship is no longer a dream fro the Indonesian. For now we have KM Kirana VII, a mini cruise ship to bring you tour around Java-Lombok.

This cruise ship belongs to PT Dharma Lautan Utama (DLU). It could accommodate around 6000 passengers at a time. This cruise will take you to travel around Madura Strait, Gili Iyang, and pass through the beautiful and gigantic view of Mount Agung to Lombok.


This cruise ship will take you to float on the ocean for at least 19 hours.  "KM Kirana VII  was prepared to support the local tourism from Surabaya to  Lombok," the Main Director of PT DLU Erwin H Poedjono said.

The mini cruise was equipped with proper safety equipment with international standard. Its also built in fancy and sophisticated facilities that will make your jaw drop. And with all these families its still very approachable in price. You could take the cruise for IDR 100 K to IDR 200 K.

KM Kirana VII will make you feel like you were traveling and enjoying the exotic scenery of Java-Lombok in European style. This mini cruise ship will bring some new experience to enjoy the local captivating view to you. 

"Wow, the first time I get in to this cruise I was speechless. Then I took lots of picture in it and send it to my family in United Kingdom. My kids even said this not Indonesia daddy. This is an Europe," a local community of Lombok said after tour around KM Kirana VII. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan