
Rawon, Black Beef Soup to Accompany Your Dining

Senin, 24 Januari 2022 - 05:20 | 325.84k
a set of rawon with its tasty and savoury dark broth. (Photo: resepkuliner.id)
a set of rawon with its tasty and savoury dark broth. (Photo: resepkuliner.id)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – If you happened to roam around East Java and willing to have the ultimate taste of local delicacy then Rawon will be the perfect dish for you to have. This dish will pamper your belly and be the best companion for all occasion, either in the hottest day of summer or the coldest day of rainy season.

Rawon or technically called as black beef soup is a soup with dark broth and savory taste. The dark color was obtained from a local indigenous ingredient called Kluwak. Not only affecting the color, Kluwak also gives an nice pleasant scent for the soup.


Some other local ingredients will also add to make the taste more exotic. Other than the Kluwak, the local will also add some shallot, garlic, pepper, lemon grass, candlenut, roasted turmeric, tamarind juice, leak, and lime leaf into it.

Rawon commonly made out of beef, but some will use some innards as the substitute. Depends on their taste. But either which will give you an nice experience of enjoying this dark soup.

Hear said, this dish has been made since hundred years back. It’s a kind of festive food and only those royal family that could afford it. As for now this black beef soup has been become a common dish you could find anywhere in the country.

The Black Beef Soup was the famous dish in East Java of all time. With its tasty broth and nice and tender beef no wonder that rawon has become the top tier pick when people visiting Java Island for the first time they come. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur